A tree planted for every 2021 series purchased
Partnership with EcoTree
A tree planted for every 2021 series purchased (made from organic cotton fabric)

For every 2021 series purchased, Simmons will buy a tree
EcoTree plants the tree and ensures forest management
Trees sequester carbon and promote biodiversity
For every tree bought, EcoTree plants 3
EcoTree concept
EcoTree, created in 2015, is a Breton startup specialized in sustainable development. It reclaims abandoned forests and old clear-cuts and replants them, favouring tree species adapted to the regions and mixing species to promote biodiversity.
Anyone, whether you're a citizen or a business, can become a tree owner to finance the renewal and sustainable management of these French forests.
EcoTree intends to involve the whole of society in renewing French forests and to enable everyone to take hands-on initiatives for the environment.

Forest needs in France and around the globe
• Every year, between 13 and 15 million of hectares of forest disappear in the world (equivalent to the surface area of Belgium). Deforestation is responsible for 17% of global greenhouse gas emissions (source IPCC).
• Every year, 80 million tons of CO2 are absorbed by French forests. Regular cutting keeps trees in a growth period that optimizes carbon capture.
• Today, the French wood sector is experiencing a shortage, even though France has the third largest forest area in the European Union and demand is constantly increasing.
• Within the next 10 years, France will need to have renewed 500,000 hectares of forest, which corresponds to only 3% of the current total surface area, to make up for the already-accumulated shortfall.

Simmons and the environment
Simmons ensures your nights are evermore restorative thanks to its offer of products tailored to every need. As Simmons really cares about the materials and service providers it uses, it is committed to manufacturing in France with: PEFC wood from protected forests and textiles guaranteed non-toxic for humans and the environment. Likewise, to ensure the most eco-friendly lifecycle possible, Simmons and the French Eco-mobilier Group (collecting and recycling furniture) are involved in the recycling of discarded bedding.